Sculptra Chicago
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Sculptra is used to restore volume to certain areas of the face which includes the cheeks, temples, and midface. Unlike other facial fillers, Sculptra does not provide immediate volume restoration. Instead, it stimulates your body to produce collagen in these areas. Sculptra is also called poly-L-Lactic acid has been FDA approved for over 15 years for facial volume restoration.
What is Sculptra used for?
Because Sculptra acts to stimulate your collagen production, it is typically used for areas of true volume loss on the face such as the cheeks, temples, and midface.
When will I see the effect from Sculptra?
There are some immediate filling effects from Sculptra since it is delivered in saline. However, this dissipates quickly and the true effects of Sculptra are gradually seen over the course of several months. Repeated injections can be done to augment your effect.
Is Sculptra permanent?
No. Since it is slowly broken down by your body, the effect gradually dissipates with time.
How long does the effect of Sculptra last?
Since Sculptra acts by helping your body to produce its own collagen, the effect can be prolonged and last for 2-3 years.
What are the side effects of Sculptra?
Reactions to Sculptra are rare, but the common side effects reports are bruising, tenderness, redness, and palpable bumps under the skin. Your doctor will discuss the full range of side effects of any treatment. It is important that you seek a doctor trained and experienced with Sculptra for your treatments.